Summary: Error during Avamar IP validation phase of IDPA configuration: "Failed to execute command grep -Fxq "search " /etc/resolv.conf"

Error during Avamar IP validation phase of IDPA configuration: "Failed to execute command grep -Fxq "search <domain>" /etc/resolv.conf" 
Logged entries in /usr/local/dataprotection/var/configmgr/server_data/logs/server.log on ACM:
<timestamp> ERROR [https-jsse-nio-8543-exec-7]-util.CommonUtil: Failed to execute command grep -Fxq "search <domain>" /etc/resolv.conf
<timestamp> ERROR [https-jsse-nio-8543-exec-7]-avadapter.AvamarUtil: Domain name is not validated on avamar node <Avamar IP>
Trailing space at end of line in /etc/resolv.conf on Avamar prevents ACM's remote grep command from finding the search domain whole line
1. Test manual grep on Avamar with "F" and "x" flags individually:
  -F, --fixed-strings       PATTERN is a set of newline-separated fixed strings
  -x, --line-regexp         force PATTERN to match only whole lines
  -q, --quiet, --silent     suppress all normal output
root@avamar:~/# grep -F "search <domain>" /etc/resolv.conf
search <domain>
root@avamar:~/# grep -x "search <domain>" /etc/resolv.conf
*If above "grep -x" command returns successfully, stop following this KB resolution
2. Edit /etc/resolv.conf and remove extra space from search domain line:
root@avamar:~/# vi /etc/resolv.conf
3. Confirm grep command with "-F" and "-x" flags returns search domain as intended now:
root@avamar:~/# grep -Fx "search <domain>" /etc/resolv.conf
search <domain>
4. Continue IDPA deployment workflow from ACM GUI