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Automatic Deployment of ESRS failed with error "HTTP failure response 500 OK" as shown below:

User-added image
This is a known bug in VxRail starting from version 4.7.1xx

Kindly follow the below steps for deployment of ESRS on VxRail cluster:After Deployment of ESRS VM and successfully provisioning, please follow these steps:curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u <USER NAME>:<PASSWORD> -d '{"ip":"<ESRS IP>", "siteId":"<SITE ID>", "username":"<SUPPORT ACCOUNT>", "password":"<PASSWORD>"}'  https://<VRMIP>/extension/mystic/esrs/register/manual

<User Name> : [email protected]
<Support Account> : Customer's support Account or EMC Employee NT username along with RSA password to complete registration.

  • Check ESRS table on mysticmanager DB from VxRail as shown below:
# psql -U postgres mysticmanager -c "select * from esrs;"

cluster_id | site_id | powerlink_creds | enable_failover_ftps | enable_failover_email | is_integrated | status
52ef5465-9d4b-6c95-f398-da63a8835070 | 4541282 | | f | f | f |
(1 row)

  • Manually update esrs table to be "registered"  status as shown below:
mysticmanager=# update esrs set status = 'registered' where site_id = '<Site ID>';
mysticmanager=# select * from esrs;
cluster_id | site_id | powerlink_creds | enable_failover_ftps | enable_failover_email | is_integrated | status
 52ef5465-9d4b-6c95-f398-da63a8835070 | 4541282 |                 | f                    | f                     | f             | registered
(1 row)

  • Reboot ESRS VM 
  • Restart services runjars and vmware-marvin on VxRail as shown below
#systemctl restart runjars
#systemctl restart vmware-marvin

  • Open ESRS GUI (https://ESRSIP:9443)
  • Check from Managed Devices if the VxRail Asset is managed and online or Managed Devices is empty.