Summary: Upgrading to VxRail 4.7.212 from VxRail 4.7.211 fails with error: "Dry run pre-check failure in execution for VxRail Manager upgrade with error: Dry run pre-check failed. Please make sure the bundle file is valid. For example, that the file is signed correctly...."

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Upgrading to VxRail 4.7.212 from VxRail 4.7.211 fails with error: "Dry run pre-check failure in execution for VxRail Manager upgrade with error: Dry run pre-check failed. Please make sure the bundle file is valid. For example, that the file is signed correctly...."

You may also see log entries in /var/log/mystic/lcm.log:
2019-07-31T13:53:03.150-0500 WARN [pool-10-thread-1] ScriptServiceImpl.runLocalScript:445 - [/scripts/]: Non-zero return code: 5
2019-07-31T13:53:03.150-0500 WARN [pool-10-thread-1] ScriptServiceImpl.runLocalScript:449 - [/scripts/]: <stderr> Password: Checking /tmp/vxmanager_upgrade_repository...
Check failed.

2019-07-31T13:53:03.152-0500 ERROR [pool-10-thread-1] com.vce.lcm.service.checker.upgrade.VxRailManagerDryRunPrechecker VxRailManagerDryRunPrechecker.performDryRun:119 - Dry run pre-check failure in execution for VxRail Manager upgrade with error: Dry run pre-check failed. Please make sure the bundle file is valid. For example, that the file is signed correctly....
This is an issue with the vami-sfcb service on VxRail Manager not running. Vami-sfcb is required to be running on the VxRail Manager in order for it to function and upgrade properly. 
1. Verify that vami-sfcb isn't running on VxRail Manager: systemctl status vami-sfcb

Example of stopped vami-sfcb service: systemctl status vami-sfcb
* vami-sfcb.service - LSB: Small Footprint CIM Broker Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/vami-sfcb; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
 Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)

Example of running vami-sfcb service: systemctl status vami-sfcb
* vami-sfcb.service - LSB: Small Footprint CIM Broker Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/vami-sfcb; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
 Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-07-17 12:34:33 UTC; 2 weeks 6 days ago

2. Start the vami-sfcb service: systemctl start vami-sfcb
3. Retry upgrade.


So far this has been observed on upgrades going from 4.7.211 to 4.7.212; however, other code versions may still experience this issue.