Summary: Upgrading to 4.7.x fails with error: Fail to verify cpu id status of system virtual machine with script /scripts/

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In VxRail Manager, /var/log/mystic/lcm.log may show one or all of the following messages:
2019-01-21T13:35:19.806-0500 INFO  [pool-9-thread-1] com.vce.lcm.service.upgrade.VxRailUpgrader VxRailUpgrader.checkSystemVMCpuId:517 - Try to query cpu id status of virtual system [VXRAIL_MANAGER, LOGINSIGHT]. 
2019-01-21T13:35:20.942-0500 WARN  [pool-9-thread-1] ScriptServiceImpl.runRemoteScriptBySSH:617 - <management_user>@<IP address> [/scripts/]: <stderr> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/marvin-4106515049022386441.script", line 269, in <module>
    sys.exit(not main())
  File "/tmp/marvin-4106515049022386441.script", line 260, in main
    return query_vms_cpuid_status(args)
  File "/tmp/marvin-4106515049022386441.script", line 172, in query_vms_cpuid_status
    vm = get_vm_by_uuid(connection, uuid)
  File "/tmp/marvin-4106515049022386441.script", line 160, in get_vm_by_uuid
    raise Error('No valid vm is found with uuid %s') % (uuid)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'Error' and 'str'
2019-01-21T13:40:44.856-0500 WARN  [localhost-startStop-1] VMServiceUtil.retrieveVM:352 - Was expecting one virtual machine with matched properties {config.uuid=564d8aa3-1b1d-4e50-9edd-55c785919221}, but found 0
VxRail Manager has an incorrect UUID for a virtual machine stored in it's database. 
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