Summary: VCF on VxRail 4.7.300 Upgrade Bundle fails to download. Bundle must be cleared from SDDC Manager before it can be downloaded again.

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The failed download must be cleaned up by SDDC Manager before another download attempt can be performed.
  1. Run the "bundle_cleanup" utility on the SDDC Manager against the failed download
    • /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ VXRAIL4-7-300-26108987DL95561_VxRail-4-7-300-Composite-Upgrade-Package-for-4-7-x-zip
    • NOTE: This command is specifically for the package VxRail 4.7.300. If a different package has failed to download, replace VXRAIL4-7-300-26108987DL95561_VxRail-4-7-300-Composite-Upgrade-Package-for-4-7-x-zip with the correct package name.
  2. Verify that the Dell EMC Repository shows a status of Initialized
  3. If the VXRAIL_DEPOT status shows SUCCESS, continue to step 4. If the status shows NOT_INITIALIZED, select the Repository Settings in SDDC Manager and re-enter the Dell EMC credentials.
  4. Check available upgrade bundles, and the VxRail bundle should now be available for download