To ensure a graceful shutdown, user must follow "Shutting down the IDPA appliance using Appliance Configuration Manager (ACM) Dashboard” procedure before proceeding with the "Shutting down the IDPA appliance using Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) Dashboard" procedure.

Warning: Directly shutting down IDPA using iDRAC may cause data loss and may result in unclean shutdown.
Shutting down the IDPA appliance using Appliance Configuration Manager (ACM) Dashboard:     

  • Perform the following actions:    
  1. Log in to the ACM Web Interface

ACM Interface

  1. On the ACM dashboard Home tab, click the Shutdown Appliance icon.

ACM Dashboard

  1. Enter the ACM root password, and click Yes.

ACM Password

  1. The appliance shut down progress is displayed. 

ACM Dashboard Shutdown

 NOTE: Once the shutdown UI progress shows 100%, wait for 15 minutes, then proceed with the IDRAC process (below).

Shutting down the IDPA appliance using integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) Dashboard:    

  • Perform the following actions:      
  1. Open the iDRAC Web interface, and log in.

iDRAC Interface

  1. At the iDRAC Dashboard, click on the Graceful Shutdown button. .

iDRAC PowerOff

 The system shuts down.

  1. Check status of the appliance on the iDRAC Dashboard, which should show Power State: OFF.